amino  1.0-beta2
Lightweight Robot Utility Library


  • Q: What is Amino?
    • A: Amino is a lightweight library for robot modeling, control, and visualization.
  • Q: What platforms are supported?
    • A: Amino is developed on Debian GNU/Linux (stable) and Ubuntu (LTS). It should run on other Linux distributions and POSIX-y systems, but minor changes may potentially be required (patches welcome!). Currently, non-POSIX platforms are not targeted.
  • Q: Can I try amino in a virtual machine (VM)?
    • A: Yes, as long as the VM supports OpenGL 3.0. We have successfully tested amino in VMs using VirtualBox and KVM running an Ubuntu 16.04 guest on a Linux host. An Ubuntu 14.04 guest in VirtualBox on a MacOSX host did not provide sufficient OpenGL support.


  • Q: Why dual quaternions?
    • A: Dual quaternions are more compact and computational easier to normalize and filter than matrices.

Scene Graphs

  • Q: How can I load a URDF file?
    • A: Use the scene graph compiler, aarxc, to generate code from the URDF file. Note that URDF support has additional dependencies; see ./INSTALL for details.
  • Q: How do I specify a link from my URDF?
    • A: Amino doesn't distinguish between joints and links like URDF does. We model the scene as a tree of local coordinate frames ("frames") and attach geometry to the frames. When we import a URDF file, we use the joint names as the names of the frames and we discard the link names. So you would specify the frame name as the joint whose parent is the desired link.
  • Q: How can I reload a modified scene graph file without restarting my program?
    • A: Compile the scene graph to a shared library and load the library with dlopen(). To reload the scene graph, recompile the scene graph and dlopen() the library again.


  • Q: How do I make it faster?
    • A: Numerical code often benefits from newer CPU instructions. Try compiling amino with -march=native either via ./configure CFLAGS="-O2 -march=native" or adding the equivalent to your Autoconf site defaults file (
    • A: An optimized BLAS library will also help some operations. OpenBLAS is among the fastest (, but may not handle small matrices well.
  • Q: How do I use an optimized BLAS/LAPACK implementation?
    • A: (Debian and Ubuntu) Typically, the package manager will select the fastest installed BLAS/LAPACK implementation which is probably OpenBLAS or ATLAS:
        sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev
      You can configure also manually configure the system-wide BLAS and LAPACK libraries via the update-alternatives mechanism.
        sudo update-alternatives --config
        sudo update-alternatives --config
    • A: (Mac OS X) Disable the Accelerate framework and specify the desired BLAS/LAPACK libraries via LIBS. For example, to use OpenBLAS:
        ./configure --without-accelerate-framework LIBS="-lopenblas"
    • A: (General) Specify the desired BLAS/LAPACK libraries via LIBS. For example, to use openblas:
        ./configure LIBS="-lopenblas"
  • Q: Why is the scene graph (aarxc) compiler slow?
    • A: The scene graph compiler prepossesses meshes to reduce load time. Mesh data is arranged in the compiled scene graph according to its in-memory layout, eliminating the need to parse or copy meshes at load time. However, the processing itself is somewhat expensive.

      Using Clang instead of GCC may improve compilation times. To do so, configure amino with ./configure CC=clang CXX=clang++.

  • Q: Ray Tracing is SLOOOWWW!
    • A: Ray tracing is computationally expensive. Here are a few notes to help performance.

      Distribute: Ray tracing is embarassingly parallel, both across multiple frames and across pixels within a frame. The easiest way to render faster is to throw more cores at the problem.

      Parsing: While POV-Ray can use multiple threads to render a frame, parsing the input file uses only a single core. If large meshes are used, this can take a noticeable amount of time, and must be repeated for each frame. Consequently, rather than using multiple threads per frame, it may often be better to render multiple frames in parallel so that parsing is parallelized across the different frames.

      Optimize POV-Ray: Ray tracing is floating-point heavy. A few compilation flags make a small but noticable (~10%) improvement in performance.

      • -march=native: optimize for the current CPU. This may take advantage of FPU instructions available on newer CPUs, e.g., AVX.
      • -ffast-math: optimize floating-point computation in ways that my violate IEEE semantics. Note that this could flag may slightly change the resulting image.
      • -flto: enable link-time optimization. This optimizes across multiple translation units.

Known Issues

  • Q: Linear Algebra is super slow, and I'm already using OpenBLAS.
    • A: Sometimes OpenBLAS has poor small-matrix performance (related bug).
      • Try using a different BLAS/LAPACK implementation (ATLAS is good):
        apt-get remove libopenblas-base
        apt-get install libatlas-base-dev
      • Or disabling threading in OpenBLAS:
         export OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1
  • Q: I get tearing in the Viewer GUI.
    • A: Ensure that direct rendering is enabled:
      glxinfo | grep -i direct
    • A: Try disabling compositing in your window manager.

Comparison with Other Packages

  • Q: How does Amino relate to MoveIt!?
    • A: MoveIt uses separate data structures for the robot the environment. Amino uses a single data structure (the scene graph) for both the robot and environment. Using a single data structure greatly simplifies interactions with multiple objects, e.g., carrying a tray of objects or pushing a loaded cart.
    • A: MoveIt! is closely coupled with ROS. Amino can load ROS URDF files and is also able to operate stand-alone.
  • Q: How do the Scene Graphs in Amino compare to ROS URDF?
    • A: URDF and Amino scene graphs contain similar information. Amino can parse URDF files and referenced meshes into scene graphs.
    • A: Amino scene graphs use a streamlined parent-child representation of kinematic topology which simplifies modifying the kinematic structure, for example, if a robot picks up an object or pushes a tray.
  • Q: How do the Scene Graphs in Amino compare to the Trees in OROCOS KDL?
    • A: Amino provides a more extensive set of kinematic operations than KDL, e.g., logarithms, exponentials, derivatives, exact integration.
    • A: Amino scene graphs include support for geometry (i.e., meshes, primitive shapes) attached to frames and provide visualization (via OpenGL and POV-ray) and collision checking (via FCL). Geometry is out of scope for KDL.
    • A: Amino scene graphs use a streamlined parent-child representation of kinematic topology which simplifies modifying the kinematic structure, for example, if a robot picks up an object or pushes a tray.
    • A: Amino scene graphs use quaternions which have better computational properties that the matrices used in KDL.
  • Q: How do the SE(3) functions in amino compare with the Eigen Geometry module?
    • A: Aside from the superficial differences in API style, Amino provides support for velocities, derivatives, logarithms, and exponentials while Eigen does not. In fact, Eigen quaternions are strictly unit quaternions, making it impossible to use them to represent derivatives!
    • A: The Eigen Geometry module is composed of C++ templates, allowing easy operations on other types (such as single or long double floats) but complicating interfacing with languages besides C++. Amino's SE(3) functions are written in C and operate on double floats. These functions are easily called from other languages.