amino  1.0-beta2
Lightweight Robot Utility Library
amino::BaseCmplx Struct Reference

Base type for complex numbers and 2D vectors. More...

#include <planar.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for amino::BaseCmplx:
amino::Cmplx amino::Vec2

Public Types

typedef ::std::complex< double > type
 Convenience typedef for C++ complex numbers.

Public Member Functions

 BaseCmplx ()
 Construct a zero-valued complex number.
 BaseCmplx (double real, double imag)
 Construct from real and imaginary values.
 BaseCmplx (type c)
 Construct from a C++ complex number.
 BaseCmplx (const aa_tf_cmplx &v)
 Construct from a C complex number.
aa_tf_cmplx c_cmplx () const
 Convert to a C complex number.
 operator aa_tf_cmplx () const
 Implicit conversion to a C complex number.

Static Public Member Functions

static aa_tf_cmplx c_cmplx (type c)
 Convert to a C complex number.
static double c_real (const aa_tf_cmplx &v)
 Extract real part of a C complex number.
static double c_imag (const aa_tf_cmplx &v)
 Extract imaginary part of a C complex number.
static type from (const aa_tf_cmplx &v)
 Convert C complex number to C++ complex number.

Protected Member Functions

double & real_ref ()
 Assignable reference to the real part.
double & imag_ref ()
 Assignable reference to the imaginary part.

Detailed Description

Base type for complex numbers and 2D vectors.

Definition at line 58 of file planar.hpp.

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