amino  1.0-beta2
Lightweight Robot Utility Library
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
  aminoAmino include files
  optOptimization SUpport
 lp.hLinear optimization
 opt.hGeneral optimization routines
 qp.hQuadratic optimization
  rxScene Graph support
 rx_ct.hIntegration between scene graphs and control
 rxerr.hError codes and functions
 rxtype.hScenegraph-related type declarations
 scene_collision.hCollision checking
 scene_dyn.hScenegraph dynamics support
 scene_fcl.hFCL-specific collision checking
 scene_fk.hForward kinematics
 scene_geom.hGeometric objects (shapes and meshes)
 scene_gl.hOpenGL Support
 scene_ik.hInverse Position Kinematics
 scene_planning.hMotion Planning
 scene_plugin.hDynamically load compiled scene graphs
 scene_sdl.hSDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) support
 scene_win.hSDL/OpenGL window management
 scene_wk.hWorkspace control for scene graphs
 scenegraph.hThe scenegraph data structure
 wavefront.hWavefront OBJ/MTL mesh parser
 planar.hLow-level operations for SE(2), planar orientations and transformations
 planar.hppObject types for SE(2) representations
 spatial.hLow-level operations for SE(3) orientations and transformations
 spatial.hppObject types for SE(3) representations
 type.hTypes for transforms
 diffeq.hNumerical routines for differential equations
 endconv.hRoutines to convert numbers to different endian formats
 heap.hSimple Heap / Heapsort
 la.hLinear algebra routines
 mat.hBlock matrix descriptors and linear algebra operations
 math.hNumerical routines
 mem.hMemory Management
 mem.hppC++ Memory Management
 rx.hInclude all scene graph headers
 tf.hInclude this file for low-level operations for SE(3) orientations and transformations
 tf.hppInclude this file for low-level operations for SE(3) orientations and transformations
 validate.hValidation of data
 collision.pyCollision Checking
 kinematics.pyScene Graphs
 mat.pyVectors and Matrices
 motionplanning.pyMotion Planning
 scenegraph.pyScene Graphs
 scenewin.pyScene Viewer Window
 tf.pyRotations and Transformations
 amino.hTop-level include file