amino  1.0-beta2
Lightweight Robot Utility Library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NaminoAmino namespace
 CScopedMutexLocks mutex on construction, unlocks on destruction
 CRegionAllocatorAn STL allocator that allocates out of a memory region
 CRegionListTypedefs for STL lists using region allocator
 CRegionVectorTypedefs for STL vector using region allocator
 CRegionMapTypedefs for STL map using region allocator
 CBaseCmplxBase type for complex numbers and 2D vectors
 CVec2A 2D vector represented using a complex number
 CAnglePA planar rotation angle
 CCmplxA complex number
 CRotMatPA planar rotation matrix
 CCmplxTranPlanar transformation represented with a complex number and translation vector
 CTfMatPA Planar transformation matrix
 CVec3A vector of length 3
 CXAngleA rotation about the X axis
 CYAngleA rotation about the Y axis
 CZAngleA rotation about the Z axis
 CQuatA quaternion object
 CRotMatA rotation matrix object
 CAxisAngleAn axis-angle object
 CDualQuatA dual quaternion object
 CQuatTranA rotation quaternion and translation vector object
 CTfMatA transformation matrix object
 Caa_circbuf_tCircular buffers use a fixed-size array that acts as if connected end-to end
 Caa_ct_limitLimits on robot state
 Caa_ct_segTrajectory segment
 Caa_ct_stateState description of a robot
 Caa_dmatDescriptor for a block matrix
 Caa_dvecDescriptor for a vector
 Caa_flexbuf_tA buffer struct
 Caa_mem_consA "cons" cell
 Caa_mem_pool_tData Structure for Object pools
 Caa_mem_regionData Structure for Region-Based memory allocation
 Caa_mem_region_nodeA single block of memory to be parceled out by the region allocator
 Caa_mem_rlistA linked list allocated out of a memory region
 Caa_ode_sol_optsOptions for the differential equation solver
 Caa_plot_optsOptions for a plot
 Caa_rx_ct_wk_lc3_cxOpaque context struct for LC3
 Caa_rx_ct_wk_optsOpaque structure for workspace control options
 Caa_rx_geomContainer for scene geometry
 Caa_rx_geom_optOpaque structure for geometry options
 Caa_rx_sgOpaque type for a scene_graph
 Caa_rx_shape_boxShape for a box
 Caa_rx_shape_coneShape for a cone
 Caa_rx_shape_cylinderShape for a cylinder
 Caa_rx_shape_gridShape for a grid
 Caa_rx_shape_sphereShape for a sphere
 Caa_rx_shape_torusShape for a torus
 Caa_rx_winOpaque type for a window
 Caa_rx_wk_lc3_cxOpaque context struct for LC3
 Caa_rx_wk_optsOpaque structure for workspace control options
 Caa_sdl_display_paramsParameters for SDL display function
 Caa_sys_affine_tContext-struct for function aa_sys_affine
 Caa_tf_axangMemory layout for axis-Angle rotation in x,y,z,angle order
 Caa_tf_cvMemory layout for planar transform as complex number and translation vector
 Caa_tf_duquMemory layout for a dual quaternion
 Caa_tf_dxMemory layout for an SE(3) velocity
 Caa_tf_eulerzyxMemory layout for an Euler Angle in ZYX (yaw-pitch-roll) format
 Caa_tf_quatMemory layout for a quaternion, x,y,z,w order
 Caa_tf_qvMemory layout for a Transformation as rotation quaternion and translation vector
 Caa_tf_qv_dxTransform and spatial velocity
 Caa_tf_rotmatMemory layout for a rotation matrix
 Caa_tf_rotmatpMemory layout for a planar rotation matrix
 Caa_tf_tfmatMemory layout for a transformation matrix
 Caa_tf_tfmatpMemory layout for a planar transformation matrix
 Caa_tf_vec3Memory layout for a vector of length 3